Thursday, September 29, 2011

"And I'm Singleee"

September 28, 2011. The Houston Chronicle had posted an editorial on the shortcomings of the single life, echoing the posting put up by the New York Times almost a week and a half prior to their own. They mentioned some facts regarding the 100 million single Americans in existence living without the benefits of the wedded couples out there. They are taxed differently and left with lesser health benefits. “Policymakers have outmoded views of singles” assuming they don’t count as much in society if they are alone as opposed to combining their efforts with a mate. However, they found statistics actually displaying and backing the usefulness of individuals not bounded by a spouse.
The staff expressed that the numbers they’d drawn up suggested “that the harm foisted upon singles by outdated stereotypes comes at a price that this sleeping giant group will not much longer abide.” The staff itself may be full of single people to make a statement like that. Yet, whether they are all single or not, they are apparently sentimental to the singles out there that do what they can for others only to receive the lesser for themselves. Even though I’m not feeling this condensed New York Times version of an article, I do share their sentiments and hope to see equality for the folks that choose to sleep alone at night.

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