Friday, November 11, 2011

RE: TX Immigrant Tuition Assistance Issue

        Two weeks ago from today an article was written by a colleague of mine commenting on the immigrant tuition assistance issue. “Gov. Rick Perry signed a bill stating that if illegal immigrants performed good in high school, meaning no trouble with the law and is knowledgeable enough to take on college courses.” After this statement was made, my colleague continued on to tell their approval of this bill. We are the “land of the free” and it only made sense to allow others the opportunity at the same education our citizens receive if they so desired to be just as educated. They even continued on to say other states should mimic the moves made by Texas and also allow immigrants to receive equal education if they showed themselves approved. “Hispanics are on the rise” so it would be beneficial to the United States, as well the foreigners themselves, if they were educated so we have an intelligent base of people when they eventually become the majority.
        Now, there are some aspects I agreed with, such as educating them so we will have an educated majority when they become the majority. However, what threw me off is when I read Texas is allowing ILLEGAL immigrants a chance at a low tuition education. The United States is the only country I know of that allows immigrants to come over, find a place to stay, go to school, get a job, start a family, and now even be offered the same cost education as the citizens all while they are still illegal. I don’t understand it. So I now feel that my own education should not be as costly as it is because I am a citizen of this country and it doesn’t make sense for me to have been here but they can come over and start living their lives as if they were also citizens. As long as we are the United States of America and not the United States of Foreigners, I don’t think immigrants should be able to come over and chill long enough for the benefits of the citizen to kick in. You don’t see other countries just letting in and taking care of foreigners like that, but I guess as long as we have more people coming in and bringing more money into the US with them then it’s alright.